DIscover 大 Valley State University!

大 Valley State University is a public, four-year university located in Allendale, 密歇根, just 13 miles outside 大 Rapids, 密歇根's second-largest city. 大 Valley has nearly 23,是密歇根州第四大公立大学, attracting students from throughout the Midwest, across the country, around the world. 大 Valley is just 2 1/2 hours from Detroit and Chicago.

我们最受欢迎的项目和专业与需求行业的需求保持一致, including robust health professions, engineering, business programs; and our beautiful campuses, amazing living centersactive student life keep students engaged.

花点时间去发现所有使大峡谷成为一个伟大选择的东西. You’ll learn how you can become a force for positive change, 开辟一条通往光明未来的道路,这将使你与众不同,并对你的社区和其他地方产生影响. 这就是湖人效应,无论你来自哪里,无论你要去哪里,它都是一种积极改变的力量.


Save $6,000 Per Year!
(Most courses are three credits)

GVSU Out of State Scholarship for Toledo Residents

A "Best National University"

这两项指标都将大峡谷大学列为全美最佳大学 Washington Monthly 和你.S. 新闻 and World Report in 2023.

A "Best 大学 For Your Money"

在623所“最省钱的大学”中,大峡谷大学排名第200位 Money Magazine in 2023.

An Outstanding Location

我们的 campuses are in the heart of a thriving West 密歇根 economy 我们与该地区的企业(包括130多家国际公司)建立了长期合作伙伴关系,为学生和毕业生提供了从卫生专业到工程到创业等各个行业的机会. 大 Rapids was ranked as one of the best places to live in the U.S. in 2022 by U.S. 新闻 & World Report 艾伦代尔主校区位于密歇根州发展最快的县. 的 健康 校园 and 罗伯特·C. Pew 大 Rapids 校园 are located in the heart of downtown 大 Rapids, just 13 miles to the east. 密歇根湖及其度假小镇和沙滩向西30分钟即可到达, providing 大 Valley students the best of both worlds.

大 Rapids' Gerald R. 福特国际机场(GRR)全年直飞哈茨菲尔德-杰克逊亚特兰大国际机场(ATL)。.

Map of 密歇根 with GVSU marked in Allendale and Detroit.

In-Demand Degrees


GVSU student spotlight.

Faculty Who Care

博天堂官方大学的教职员工(不是助教或研究生助理)几乎教授博天堂官方大学的所有课程. 他们是有成就的学者,他们提供的专业知识将使你的学习经历与众不同. Besides being in the classroom with you day in and day out, what sets them apart is how much they love to teach. 的y are here for you. 这种承诺意味着他们会关注你的个人需求, empower you, guide you through real-world research opportunities.

  • 自1964年以来,已有55名大峡谷学院的教职员工获得了富布赖特学者奖
  • 93% of our faculty members have doctoral or terminal degrees

GVSU professor working with a student.

Are You An Adult Student?

如果是这样的话, 我们有快速和负担得起的在线学士学位完成课程,将帮助您在当前工作中取得进步或为新职业提供机会.

我们的 为有决心的学生提供终身教育 程序是一个在线加速学士学位课程,特别是为忙碌的成年人.

  • 获得综合研究学士学位,再加上五个高需求领域之一的在线证书-领导力, data analytics, project management, business fundamentals, 或全球通信(这些证书也可以自己完成)
  • 6-week classes
  • 州内或州外学生的统一费率-每学分500美元(课程为三个学分) 
  • Try it, like it, your next class is free!
  • 整个加速学士学位课程可以在线完成

GVSU adult student.

Three Unique 校园es

大 Valley's three unique campuses are in West 密歇根 这里有免费的湖人线公交系统,从主校区到市中心校区只需20分钟. 在湖人队的岁月里,学生们在大山谷校园的经历往往会随着他们的成长而成长. 大多数一年级学生住在主校区,上通识教育课程. 然后,根据他们的专业,学生们可能会发现他们的课程更多地在市中心举行. 大学宿舍在Allendale和市中心都有,所有学生都可以方便地进入所有的文化活动, 社会, entertainment, 以及大急流城提供的实习或就业机会.

3 Unique 校园es

大 Valley's Allendale campus features deep, wooded ravines through 俯瞰东部大河的高崖 rolling open fields to the west. 的 campus is designed to take 该地区的优势是风景秀丽的树木繁茂的峡谷,以及它的开放 meadowlands. Winding walkways between buildings connect with a series of natural trails along the riverbank. A 230-foot-long pedestrian bridge known as "Little Mac" spans a spectacular ravine to connect north and south campus. 的 majority of 大 Valley's academic and administrative buildings, living centers and dining 大厅,主图书馆和学习公共场所,以及运动场 recreation facilities are located here.

几个 Living-Learning Communities, included the Frederik Meijer Honors 大学, are also located in Allendale. 的se offer a shared learning experience and peer support system in one package.

的 罗伯特·C. Pew 大 Rapids campus is just 13 miles to the east 包括塞德曼商学院的专用建筑, 西摩和埃丝特·帕德诺斯工程与计算机学院, 教育与社区创新学院,该大学的 公共广播电台和电视台,以及生活中心和 dining options. 的 罗伯特·C. Pew campus is located in the heart of 大急流城市中心,靠近就业和娱乐场所.

For students interested in a Living-Learning Community, the Engineering and Social Work communities are located across the street from the Richard M. DeVos Center in Winter Hall.

大 Valley's 健康 校园 is located on 大 Rapids' Medical Mile, within walking 距离世界知名医院,医学研究机构,和 health care employment opportunities. All of 大 Valley's campuses are accessible by the 湖人 Line bus system, which serves each location approximately every 10 minutes and gets students to any campus within 20 minutes. 的 湖线是服务于更大地区的快速交通系统的一部分 大 Rapids area. Students ride the entire Rapid for free with their 学生证.

大 Valley's 健康 校园.

大 Valley的健康校园是大急流城市中心“医疗英里”的中心.

大 Valley's Allendale campus.

大 Valley's main campus in beautiful Allendale, 密歇根.

大 Valley's 罗伯特·C. Pew 大 Rapids 校园.

大 Valley's 罗伯特·C. Pew 大 Rapids campus in the heart of downtown 大 Rapids.

Costs and Financial Aid

大峡谷州立大学是托莱多学生的杰出学术投资. 大 Valley's tuition 位于密歇根州公立大学的后三分之一,并为学术合格的非居民学生提供宝贵的奖学金.3 GPA or better. 这些奖学金的总金额约为29美元,000-$66,000 over the course of four years for Toledo residents.

Scholarships include the 校长奖学金、教师奖学金、优秀奖或湖人奖学金, each of which includes a significant, 可再生奖学金,加上全日制密歇根居民学费和非居民学费之间的差额. 

Lifelong Educational Attainment for Determined Students

Page last modified September 7, 2023